Okay, so thanks to Makeup Alley, I've got a huge new stash of nail polish! Today, I bring you pics of the five reds I received-shades to take you through the rest of the summer and right into fall!
Sorry for the photo quality, by the way. They're from my cellphone, because my boyfriend was ...
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Search Results for: look
A Plumper a Day: Day Two
Hey Guys! Today's lip lover is Bare Escentual's Buxom Lips. I got mine as a Beauty Insider Perk from Sephora-I couldn't resist glittery finish! Usually I don't do the whole "mineral makeup" thing, but since I have it, I might as well give it a try!
What they have to say:
"Naturally creates ...
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A Plumper A Day Keeps Thin Lips Away!
Today starts my lip plumper challenge! I'm going to review one plumper a day (about ten in all) and then I'll do a wrap up with my favorites at the end. I'll also review the plumpers over a period of time during the day (application, fifteen minutes, half an hour) so you can get a better idea of how ...
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Lips of Love, Pt. 2
Hey Gals! I've been told that people are looking forward to the lip plumper review, so don't worry-it's coming! However, to make it as informative as possible, I've swapped with some lovely ladies on MUA for a few other brands! Right now, it will be featuring:
MAC Plushglass
Too Faced Lip ...
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Sparkle for your Saturday!
Tonight I bring you...
The best of Etsy!
I spend a LOT of time online. Seriously, a lot. A decent chunk of that time is spent fantasizing over the many items I'd buy, "if only..." Etsy, however, is one of the few sites that I can stock up at and NOT feel residual shopping guilt (mostly). ...
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