Okay, so I figured I'd browse Target's online clearance section before I went to bed! I stumbled upon a dress that's either incredibly ugly, or absolutely gorgeous. Help!What do YOU think? Cliquez-ici pour accéder au sondage. ...
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Lips of loooooove!
Air conditioners: Friend or Foe? Okay, really, that's no contest. My air conditioner gets about as much lovin' as my boyfriend in the summer (and sometimes in the winter, because I like the noise). As much as I love my window unit, however, it sucks the moisture right out of my lips! I'm just ...
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What the Pros Are Saying Wednesday!
Yay! It's hump day! For those of you with a 9-5: Hang in there! In the meantime, I'm here to fill you in on some tips, tricks, and recommendations from the pros! My beauty library is vast (and a pain in the ass to move), but it's not doing a ton of good sitting on my shelf... So, it's time to ...
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Affordable Accessories, Vol. I
Jewelry. At it's best, it makes an entire outfit flow. At it's worst, it empties your bank account and then sits in your drawer. For everyday? It adds personality, flair, and a bit of fun. Anyone who's known me for even a few weeks knows that I love earrings like Fox loves airing Reality TV. ...
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Fantastic Feet!
I'll admit it: My dog's paws are often significantly smoother than mine. I guzzle water by the gallon, and yet my skin is chronically dry. I'm also a shoe addict, and the combination of high heels and pointy toes featured in many of my favorite pairs often results in unsightly bumps and blisters. ...
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