Dear Nordstrom,
What's up with you? I keep reading your OMG SALEZ!!!11!1! emails, and I'm not impressed. Yes, marking a hideously ugly coat woven with the tears of children down to $6oo (from $1,275) is a big markdown... but, um, it's still a fugged up jacket for $600. Catchin' my ...
Read More about The Best of Nordstrom (is still freakin’ expensive).
From Sephora: Rate, Review, Win.
I'm totally thrilled about this new feature on Sephora! I (obviously) like reviewing products, but I also love reading reviews! In my mind, there's no better way to decide than to splurge on a product that by checking out what other customers had to say!
AND, the best part? With every ...
Read More about From Sephora: Rate, Review, Win.
Booties: Yay or nay?
Steve Madden has been filling my inbox, lately. Every email brings with it an inner battle: my heart says yes, but my wallet says no. Why, Steve Madden? Why???
The latest email from Mr. Madden is filled with "booties," yet another upcoming trend. While I love the shoes in theory, I feel ...
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Time Balm, AKA: My Best Friend.
Remember when I told you I'd only be posting about products that keep me looking well rested and healthy, regardless of how little sleep I've had? That goes DOUBLE for this product.
I don't even remember why I added the timeBalm Concealer to my virtual Sephora cart one day, but I'm so freakin' ...
Read More about Time Balm, AKA: My Best Friend.
Just in time for the weekend…
Alright ladies. There's currently a (free) all you can eat dessert buffet going on mere steps from my dorm room! It's taking all my will power to keep from marching my (jiggling) butt over there and doing my thing. Of course there would suddenly be an abundance of chocolate right when I hit that ...
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