Shaving is the bane of my existence and I can't stand waxing. Appointments for hair removal is way out of my budget and schedule with school.
Of course, you can always try endless hair removal creams. But in my experience they rarely work and end up leaving you with a nasty rash or allergic ...
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Olay Fresh Effects
Just in time for the warmer weather Olay has a brand new line of skin care products called Olay Fresh Effects. Women all over the country are raving about this new (and pretty amazing) line of SEVEN new products.
If you are like me then winter did a number on your skin. The Fresh Effects line ...
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Ocean Spray Body Wash from Tone
First off, I love Tone body wash. They are one of the few body wash brands that I trust. So many others end up drying out my skin, having a fake and rather nasty smell, or just not working for me. So I was thrilled I had a chance to try the new Ocean Therapy Body Wash from Tone!
The new body ...
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Say Yes to Grapefruit!
I'm so glad that warmer weather is finally here. I was beginning to think that it would never come. I mean, who wants boring winter when they can have the bright color and fresh trends of spring?
Speaking of which, with spring comes an all new (and pretty freakin awesome) beginning of a new line ...
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YAKA Apparel Review and Giveaway
I live in the Midwest where our summers are hot and our winters are bitterly cold. I'm thrilled to share with y'all my new favorite company. If you know anything about winter, then you'll be able to relate to my pain in not being able to find, cute, affordable, and warm winter apparel.
YAKA ...
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