In order to provide new (and free) daily content, our compensation comes from select advertising, sponsored posts and affiliate relationships. If a post or article on this blog is not marked as a “Sponsored Post”, then you can count on it being about something we personally use, would potentially buy, or absolutely love and think you will too. All reviews on this blog are purely our personal and honest opinion and should be regarded as such. We can’t guarantee you’ll feel the same way if you decide to purchase something based on our recommendation, but we strive to provide as much subjective information as possible so you can make an informed decision. If you disagree (or agree) with us, please share you thoughts in our comments sections, we encourage it!
Affiliate Relationships
Fashionable Media maintains an affiliate relationship with many of the brands, sites and products featured on this site. Many of the links contained on this site are contextual affiliate marketing links. Similar to a sales associate at a fancy boutique, we may receive a (very) small commission if you choose to buy something from the featured e-tailer. Regardless of whether an affiliate relationship exists or not, we strive to only feature products that we truly love. Because we have so many affiliates, you may find that most of the links in out posts contain affiliate links, but the products themselves have been carefully selected as part of the editorial.
Advertising Relationships
Like most online publications, we accept paid display advertising, both directly and through 3rd party ad networks like Glam.com and Google AdSense. Since the majority of the ads are selected based on our content and to appeal to our demographics, there is a good chance that many of the brands, products or sites we feature editorially have at one time been, or are currently, an advertiser. This is a common practice in the online industry and in your favorite fashion magazines. However, at no time will a past or present advertising relationship affect the content, topics or opinions in our editorial features.
(If you are interested in advertising with Fashionable Media, please click here.)
Editorials and Sponsored Posts
We occasionally include editorial content that is paid for by the advertisers and written by one of our editors or by the advertiser and then edited by one of our editors. All sponsored posts that recommend a product, brand or site will be clearly marked as being a “Sponsored Post” or may be specifically categorized under “Sponsored Posts”.
Occasionally we have sponsored posts provided by Glam.com that might include an advertisement or “sponsored by” logo. This does not effect the content whatsoever and is for advertising purposes only. The content is not recommending the product, store, or item in the advertisement/logo. Such posts may or may not be labeled as sponsored.
We are currently working on putting together a special Holiday Gift Guide that will contain both sponsored (paid for) and editorial (not paid for) content. (Interested in advertising? Contact us.)
Product Reviews
This blog provides unbiased and honest reviews on many products including skin care, beauty, books, foods, shoes, jewelry and clothing. Some are purchased by the individuals doing the reviews and some are provided by a brand, merchant or public relations firm for the purpose of testing and possibly reviewing.
When it comes to beauty and skin care products, samples are usually provided to us free of charge so we can experience first hand what the products is like. This is usually necessary to write a full review. Please note that we only review products we truly like, consider to be beneficial and would potentially purchase ourselves. We always try to disclose that the product was sent to us free for review, but this may or may not be clearly marked as such in posts older than August 2009.
Beauty products and cosmetics are returned after reviewing, mostly because that’s just nasty, and also because they are not expected to be sent back and we do not have the funds to do so. We generally ask for samples that do not need to be sent back. Samples are one of the only ways we get “compensated” for our time and dedication to this blog. If the company needs the product returned, we ask pre-paid return mailing label be provided. (Interested in having your product considered for review? Email us.)
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The Fashionable Gal RSS feed is posted to our twitter account @fashionablegal via twitterfeed. The Fashionable Gal Fan Page on Facebook is also connected to our twitter account and automatically posts Wall Posts directly to Twitter.
We occasionally promote and link to content on our site from our Twitter and Facebook pages. This includes links to sponsored content, custom editorials and advertorials appearing on this website. Since the you can find the link to this article in the homepage of the blog, we do not include disclosures as part of our Twitter and Facebook entries.
If our links point to a site other than ours as part of a promotion/sponsorship, or if the link itself is an affiliate link, we will disclose that in our Twitter or Facebook entry. Examples of these disclosures include [AFF] [PROMO] and [SPNSR]. If you have any questions about this, you can email us.
Fashionable Media is a PR friendly network and we welcome any and all pitches. Please contact us if you have an item(s), website, program or company that you would like to see on The Fashionable Housewife.
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