To celebrate their October 15, 2008 launch, Handbag Planet is giving away a free handbag every hour for 24 hours starting at noon on the day of their Grand Opening. carries fashionable and trendy handbags that have been inspired by designer brands. Most bags are priced between $30 and $80. The site carries many styles including: totes, satchels, hobos, shoulder bags, clutches and wallets – all of which are stocked in a variety of sizes and colors.
After signing up in one easy step, you can select the handbag you would like to win. There’s absolutely no catch – this means no shipping/handling fees or credit card required.
Once you have signed up you will have the opportunity to earn extra chances by emailing three friends, becoming a fan of Handbag Planet on Facebook or Myspace, or following them on Twitter.
You can sign up at