We all know that eating right and getting enough exercise is the best way to stay fit and be at a healthy weight. But, just because we know how to do it, it doesn’t make it any easier, does it? It’s understandable that if you’ve lost some fitness recently that you might feel overwhelmed by the idea of exercise, but it’s important to remember that with every step you take, you’re lapping someone that’s not taking action with their health.
Some people also don’t exercise because they don’t feel they have the means to. In fact, there are hundreds of reasons to try and excuse yourself from exercising, so instead, motivate yourself and use these tips to help you regain your fitness.

You can exercise outside of the gym
The gym is a great place to exercise, and if you aren’t getting much luck when you’re searching “gyms near me” online, then you might have to be a little bit more creative. Or, perhaps you don’t feel ready to visit the gym yet and would like to build up some fitness first? Either way, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get some much needed exercise outside of the gym. Consider trying:
- Picking a sport you enjoy and joining a local team
- Walking the dog more often or for longer distances – your dog will love it too!
- Following a fitness DVD or video on YouTube
- Walk to work, or get off the bus a few stops earlier to get your step count up
- Buy an under-the-desk cycling machine so you can workout while you’re working
- Buy a bike and take up cycling with your family
Essentially, anything that gets your heart rate up and gets you moving will help get your fitness levels to where they should be. And, you’ll soon begin to notice it too!
Get the right exercising gear
If motivation is where you fall down, then a great way of ensuring that you do get up and exercise is by buying some exercise gear. There’s something about the thought of wasting money on gym clothes that helps encourage you to use it and get you moving. There are lots of different things you could choose from such as shorts, vests, sweatbands, trainers, and even yoga pants that will help you achieve your fitness goals. Having the right gear can also help to maximise your workout by supporting you in the right places and also helping your body sweat out some of those calories you’ve been trying to shift.
Put together a playlist
Music is an incredible motivator, and one of the best things that helps people stay on track when they’re exercising is music. It helps to take your mind off the actual act of exercising, and helps to keep your motivation levels up too. So, why not sit down and compile some songs that always make you feel like you can take on the world. If you don’t have a means to listen to it right now, treat yourself to an MP3 player and headphones so that you can really maximise your workout. If you’re stuck on what kind of music to add to your playlist, Spotify has lots of pre-made workout playlists that you can either use or take inspiration from!
Find someone to do it with
Another common demotivator when it comes to exercise is the fear of doing it alone. Some people hate the idea of being judged by other people walking past or others in the gym. While absolutely nobody is going to be judging you for trying to become healthier, it’s understandable that being alone can be quite intimidating. So, arrange to go to the gym with a friend, or take your kids to the park to kick a ball around so that it’s not so daunting. Not only does it help remove the fear of being judged, but having someone else there can also be an incredible motivating tool!

Use things around the house
Another excuse that some people use is not having any exercising equipment at home, but you can simply use things around your home to help you exercise! For example, tinned tomatoes could be used instead of dumbbells to help strengthen your arms and shoulders, and as your fitness increases, you could increase the weight you’re lifting too. So, instead of tinned tomatoes, you could use 2 litre bottles of water instead.
And, you can get creative with items around your house like your furniture as well by using strong pieces to do bench presses or to support your feet if you wanted to try and do some sit ups. While gym equipment is great, there’s no reason why you can’t exercise at home!
Make cleaning a part of your exercise regime
We all lead busy lives, and sometimes you simply might not have time to head to the gym or go for a walk. Instead, turn your household chores into a part of your exercise regime. For example, doing squats or a dance while you’re washing up will help get your heart rate up, or you could vacuum your home in a more vigorous fashion. You might even find that those pesky household chores you hate so much are done a lot faster!
Allow yourself time to recover!
Finally, while it’s important to keep your body moving, it’s also important to let your body recover from exercising too. When you first begin exercising you might find that you’re left with aches and pains for a few days after because you haven’t used those muscles properly in a while. Allowing your body to recover will help you achieve your fitness goals faster!
Remember, it doesn’t take long to start noticing a difference in your fitness levels. To begin with, you’ll simply notice that it’s easier to exercise but soon enough, you’ll begin to see physical changes. Shortly after that, other people will begin to notice the changes too, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!