A Healthline report indicated that 97% of the population lacks an ideal lifestyle. Fortunately, living healthily has become more popular with taking it more seriously, increasing the number of workout routines and healthier eating habits. However, one thing many people fail to notice is that they may not be as healthy as earlier thought. Usually, you would experience some obvious symptoms indicating illness. However, sometimes, minute and seemingly insignificant details could also mean poor health. Below are a few of some sneaky signs.
Regular bloated feeling
Three out of five people will experience bloated sensations thrice a year, and the statistics show that bloating is quite common among both genders. In many situations, people assume that gas buildup is the cause of their bloated sensations. While this is true in some cases, medical research has proven that the foods you consume play a major role in causing these uncomfortable sensations. For example, diets rich in beans and cabbage can increase fullness and trigger excessive gas buildup. Sometimes, you only need an antacid or liver salt to relieve the discomfort.
However, you should be concerned if you feel bloated more often than normal, like more than twice a week. Ironically, it might be your body’s way of telling you it is dehydrated. When you fail to drink enough water, the body automatically retains the little in the organs. Primary care physicians also say it could be a sign of imbalanced electrolytes in the body. These are electrically-charged minerals in the body that control internal water balance. So, if you feel bloated too often, it might be time to see the doctor.
Nail clubbing with splitting
Splitting nails can often be a sign of mild trauma to the fingers. If you have long fingernails and accidentally bump them, they would break, crack or split. Hopefully, a quick visit to the manicurist can resolve that. Additionally, you may want to increase your calcium and Vitamin D intake. However, when it is nail clubbing, the manicurist is the last place to go. According to science, nail clubbing is a telltale sign of a lack of oxygen in the blood.
Underlying health problems like liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or autoimmune conditions could be the cause. In recent times, research has shown that cardiovascular disease causes clubbing too. And because heart disease is diagnosed more often among women, they often report nail clubbing. For women, it’s increasingly helpful to educate yourself with expert information on helping women live healthier. There is also information for men who experience this.
Easily bruised skin that happens too often
Having naturally thin skin can be quite problematic sometimes. This means you bruise easily, but it’s not much of a problem if you heal in no time. On the other hand, something else may be going on when you bruise easily, whether with thin or thick skin. Your body may be lacking essential vitamins C, B12, and K. When you boost your intake of these vitamins, you should notice a considerable change in how often you bruise.
However, you may have to worry even when the problem persists after improving your vitamin intake. It could be the sign of an underlying disease that has nothing to do with your collagen production. For example, certain types of cancer may be the cause. It could also be the early stages of liver disease.
To avoid living in doubt, the best thing to do is to see a medical doctor to determine what might be going on with your overall well-being.