Have you noticed that you seem to be getting more than your usual share of headaches as of late? Does it feel like they are interfering with your everyday tasks and life? Are you constantly between a cycle of either having a full-blown headache, getting over one, or feeling one come on? If you’ve answered yes to this question, there could be a relatively simple answer to your headaches. Finding ways to limit them means you’ll have much more enjoyable days in general.
So, here are some simple solutions that may be able to combat them.
Limit Your Screen Time
It is amazing how much screen time people really have nowadays. Between the time you spend on your mobile devices, watching television, playing video games, and of course on the computer if your job requires it, that is a whole lot of screen time. That can cause eye strain, which in turn can trigger a headache.
Don’t Skip Meals
If you’re in the habit of skipping meals on a regular basis, this is another trigger for chronic headaches. Not only does your body need the proper number of calories, nutrients, and minerals to perform at its peak level, but you also need to stay hydrated and drink enough fluid throughout the day. It sounds simple, but eating and drinking on a regular basis may be all it takes to cure your headaches.
What About Sleep?
A lack of sleep tends to be another big reason that headaches flare up – and not just a lack of sleep, but a lack of good quality sleep. Make sure you’re doing all you can to stay on a sleep schedule and get that all-important rest.
Get Up and Get Moving
If you don’t exercise and get moving on a regular basis it’s very easy for your body to become stiff and tight. This too can lead to headaches. Regular exercise will keep your body loose and healthy. Something simple like biking or walking is ideal.
Learn Your Triggers
Many people that suffer from chronic headaches have certain triggers that set them off. Learning what they are so you can avoid them is an excellent attack plan. A good way to do this is to keep a headache journal that outlines when the headache came on, what you were doing right before that, what and when you ate/drank last, what the pain level of the headache is, and how long it took to go away. Over time, you’ll likely start seeing some patterns emerging.
Visit the Doctor
Of course, if your headaches persist and only seem to get worse, it’s really best to see your doctor. They can figure out if something deeper is going on that the headaches may be a symptom of. Not only that, but your doctor may recommend a comprehensive eye exam be done. It could be that you need a new prescription, or that you need your first ever prescription. Both of these issues can result in headaches.
Start Feeling Better
Each of these tips is designed to get you on the path to feeling better, with less headaches and less down time.