I had so many freckles that my mother used to say that they were kisses from the angels. I still have them. ~Laura Flynn Boyle
I have freckles. Just on my face and a couple on my arms, but I still have freckles. As a child and young teenager I moaned over my freckles and tried EVERY single product to try to fade them, but they stayed. I didn’t have alot, they where just lightly scattered over my face, but I still hated them.
As I have gotten older though I have started to realize that my freckles are a part of me. They are apart of who I am. I wouldn’t be me without my freckles. Freckles are beautiful and a part of my personality. Â Freckles add character, they are beauty marks.
I wouldn’t be me without my freckles. They make me unique. And I can honestly say that I’m starting to love them. They add charm, personality, and character.
 Fact- Everyone has freckles. You either can’t see them, they hide them, or they photoshop them. Bottom line? Everyone has them. And you can accept and love them or you can hate and try to hid them.
Sure you can hide freckles beneath makeup, but you know what? Guys think freckles are cute. So any freckle faced girls out there who are single keep that in mind. :)Â
My vote? Freckles are cute and I love freckles. Ladies, if you have freckles don’t try to change them. They are a part of YOU.