There are many reasons you might be looking to get fit at a certain time in your life. It could you’ve had a recent health scare that means you need to take care of yourself more. It might be that you have an event coming up and you want to lose a little weight, or perhaps you just want to get into a new hobby and find one that keeps you healthy at the same time. No matter the reason you’re looking to get into fitness, if it isn’t something you’ve done before, it can be hard getting yourself motivated and it can feel a bit intimidating. In this post we let you know why this shouldn’t be the case and offer some top tips to help. Keep on reading to find out more.
Find something you enjoy doing
Fitness is always easier if you’re doing something you love. Not everyone enjoys going to the gym, or for a run, so try out different sports and classes to see if there’s something you love. From golf fitness training to netball classes or joining a football team, there are so many things you can try – why not do a couple? You can do high-intensity classes or more holistic approaches such as yoga or pilates depending on what you’re looking to achieve.
Go with a friend
Exercise is better when you’re not doing it alone and if you’re wanting to get into fitness, bringing a friend along is a fantastic way of making it less of a chore. Not only will you get a chance to get fit and feel better about yourself, but you’ll also get to catch up with a friend and see it as a social activity. It can be something you really enjoy together and can schedule in each week. Whether it’s a walk, run or class, two is better than one, or why not get a whole group of you together?
Get into a fitness routine
Routine is the basis of any good workout and if you find you schedule it into your life it will soon feel like something natural that you do as opposed to something you have to fit in. Try and do your exercise or fitness at the same time and day of the week each week, for example at 7am on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This way you can be organized and not have to worry about when you’ll get a chance to do it.
These are just a few tips that should help you get into a fitness routine if it’s something you’ve never really done before. Whatever reason you’re looking to get into it, once you start working out on something you enjoy, it won’t feel like a chore and you will soon be able to reap the benefits. What are some top tips you have for getting into a fitness routine if it’s something you’ve never really done before? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.