Health supplements are widely available and come in many forms. From protein powders to vitamin tablets, you can find a supplement for virtually everything. When used in the right way they’re extremely useful. But therein lies the issue: most people don’t know the right way to use them.
You must follow some golden rules when taking supplements if you want to use them properly. You’ll see better results and improvements in your health – and you can avoid some bad habits.
Here’s what you need to do:
Only take the supplements you need to take
Some people don’t need any supplements at all. If you’re eating a balanced diet, the chances are you’re getting enough of…well…everything! You’re ticking the right nutritional boxes and have no need for anything else. In fact, taking a supplement could mean you’re getting too much of something, which could lead to health complications.
For example, not everyone needs an iron supplement and yet they’re hugely popular. If you take one without needing it, the excess iron in your body can cause stomach problems. Only take the supplements you need – get a blood test to see if you’re deficient in vitamins and pay attention to what you’re eating. If you have no deficiencies and you’re hitting your protein and fibre goals every day, then a supplement probably isn’t necessary.
Always check that a supplement is safe
Some supplements are not safe as they include banned ingredients. This can include a lot of weight loss supplements, so keep this in mind. A great way to know if a supplement is safe is by seeing where it is sold. If you spot it on a site like Medino Pharmacy, there’s a high chance it is safe. If it’s on a random online website, then proceed with caution.
Before buying or using anything, search the supplement in Google to see what comes up. Look for any reports of it being unsafe, and then don’t buy it if there are safety concerns!

Never use supplements to replace things
The worst habit you can have when taking supplements is to use them as replacements. E.g. instead of going outside and getting fresh air, you take a vitamin D supplement. Or, even worse, you use a supplement that may help with weight loss but don’t do any exercise.
The clue is in the name people! These are supplements, meaning they’re added to something else or they give you an extra element of something. You should never replace real food or healthy habits with supplements. This can lead you down a dark and dangerous path, so always remember that a supplement will only work and be beneficial when used alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise.
To summarise, the right way to take health supplements is to:
- Only take what you need
- Avoid unsafe or dodgy supplements
- Use your supplement alongside good eating habits and healthy lifestyle choices
Following these rules will help you get the most out of your supplements and see improvements in your overall health!