Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash
The cold dry air of the winter is not often friendly to your skin. This is why your skin tends to look dry and dull during the cold season. Unfortunately, even the heat that’s indoors can adversely affect your skin.
Long story short, the winter doesn’t really do your skin much good. Now, if you wanted to just ignore how your skin looks, that’s fine. Most people would probably understand that it’s just “winter skin”.
But, your skin is yours; not anyone else’s. So, it should be as amazing as you want it. In this article, you’ll learn some basic skincare routines that will make your skin “pop” and look beautiful.
Do a Cleansing Frequently
In many instances, dull skin or spots is usually a visible sign of dirt, dead skin cells, clogged pores, and oil on your skin. Therefore, if you were to remove these things, it would reveal your clear, smooth skin. This is what cleansing does.
So, apply some cleanser to your skin in the morning and night –particularly on your face. Use the cleanser first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. This will get rid of all gunk that tends to clog your skin pores, thus letting your skin breathe.
Exfoliation is a Necessity
Every day, your body produces new cells to replace the old ones. But the dead skin cells don’t all fall off and can block the new skin cells that you’ve produced. This is where exfoliation becomes important.
Using exfoliators can easily get rid of dead skin cells from the body, rejuvenating your skin and letting your beautiful skin shine through. The glow that you often see is from the new skin layer that reflects light.
This is how you get radiant skin. So, exfoliate as frequently as possible –ideally once a day. But if you can’t, do it at least, once a week. This will help your skin glow so much better.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
All the soda and sugary drinks that you drink aren’t doing your skin any good. If anything, they dehydrate you (takes moisture away from), which is why you often feel thirsty shortly after taking them.
The best thing for your skin is plain ol’ water. Drink lots of water –at least 8 liters of water- every day. Then, apply some hydrating moisturizer in the morning and evening. Also, remember to use those that have excellent SPF 15+. This will transform your skin and enhance your glow.
Get Adequate Sleep
Most people underestimate the importance of sleep, yet there’s a reason it’s called “beauty sleep”. If you’re having skin issues and were to go in for a dermatology consultation, chances are the dermatologist will ask you if you’re getting enough sleep.
That’s because your skin, like all other organs, requires adequate sleep. So, do your best to ensure that you’re getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep during the day. And if you can, catch a 30-minute midday or afternoon nap. That’ll do wonders for your skin.