It’s an age-old adage that people who wear glasses are often immediately considered to have some higher level of intelligence. While this isn’t always true, it is an ingrained concept that goes back long to the day when glasses first became an eyesight aide. Geniuses like Benjamin Franklin, inventor of the bifocal, continued to propagate this concept. There’s no doubt that eyeglasses change your overall look. But, what do you do when you need or want to wear glasses, but you also want to look really stylish or simply use them to change up your look?
Here are four ways that glasses can spice up your look.
Go For the Brainy/Attractive Look
There’s a reason that the stereotype of the sexy librarian or hot older professor has been a go-to fantasy stereotype for generations. You can buy a nice pair of stylish frames to pair with your business attire to not only help you see better but give off that enticing level of attraction.
Express Your Personal Style
Glasses come in all styles, colors, and shapes. Even today’s most high-end designers usually dabble in fashion eyeglasses, usually with their signature logo on the side in something shiny or eye-catching, like gold or silver. When choosing glasses, you don’t need to simply choose for function anymore. There are many places that offer a wide variety of frames in many designs, places such as Cohen’s Fashion Optical. Make sure to take your time and select a pair or two that really expresses your personal style.
Wear Glasses As A Non-Necessary Fashion Accessory
Just because you have 20/20 vision doesn’t mean glasses can’t be a true fashion accessory to your look. In fact, many professional athletes have been known to wear non-prescription glasses or thick-rimmed glasses that don’t even contain lenses during their post-game press conference. While you likely won’t get away with no lenses at all, non-prescription lenses can give you that cool, confident vibe that the professional athletes are aiming for. Wearing glasses as a fashion accessory is great because it gives you the option to wear them one day and lose them the next, adding an aura of mystery and consistently changing your overall look.
Increase Your Professionalism
Glasses instantly give off a very professional, knowledgeable vibe. Wearing rectangular, oval, or almond-shaped frames colored in warm browns, serious grays, or striking blacks with gold or silver accents can help give your entire fashion sense a modern, business-like angle. You see many celebrities walking the red carpet in evening wear while sporting a great set of specs, looking both professional and fashionable while answering the media’s questions and greeting adoring fans.
A good pair of glasses can be the finishing touch to any outfit, instantly enhancing it from good to great. Glasses are great for any occasion because they’re so versatile, able to be worn with almost anything and on any occasion. They’re also a great tool to draw more attention to your eyes, which is something you should do if you consider them among your best features.