Is that you, summer? After months of freezing cold weather, rain and high winds, it’s about time we saw some sunshine and felt some heat. It’s time to break out that summer wardrobe at last. Say goodbye to all those jumpers, heavy jeans and cardigans and embrace lighter colours, fabrics and a much more casual style.
Sadly, before we can relax in the shade, most of us require a little summer wardrobe update. With last year’s t-shirts and spaghetti strap tops looking a little worn and dull. Or there are those sandals with the broken straps – it makes sense to replenish your wardrobe so you’re ready for the warmer months ahead.
Want to know how you can save money on your summer wardrobe? Read on for some simple advice!
Avoid your credit cards
Credit card debt can quickly build up, and you must always shop with a budget in mind – check out Creditfix for the latest in debt management advice. When you know how much you have to spend, the better you’ll be able to manage your finances and get more for your money!
Make a list
Much like food shopping, it’s always wise to head into the store with a list of what you need, rather than just going in and grabbing what you think looks good. Sandals, dresses, sunglasses, t-shirts and skirts. Once you know what you need the easier it’ll be to shop and the more you’ll enjoy your experience.
Make online shopping your second choice
It’s easy to feel wowed by what appears to be low prices at online retailers. And when you’re not paying with real cash, it’s difficult to grasp how much you’re really spending. Of course, shopping online is convenient, but you can’t tell whether or not the item will fit you properly, or what the quality is like. You have to potentially deal with returns (which could also cost you money) and you also have to pay for postage! If you want to get more for your money and get exactly what you want, always head in store.
A capsule wardrobe is your best friend
You don’t need a wardrobe that’s bursting with hundreds of different outfits. When you shop for the basics, you’ll have enough to see you through the summer months. A maxi dress, a couple of different coloured cardigans, a couple of pairs of shorts/skirts and some light tops. You don’t really need much more.
Hit the charity shops
Charity shops are bursting with great finds and high quality items, all of which are only gently used and in great condition. If you’re looking for a new beach bag or a pair of sunglasses, then you’re likely to find what you need without paying the full price!
And finally, borrow and swap
Friends, siblings and even work colleagues. Swapping clothes and borrowing them from each other is a cheap alternative that works for everyone. Just make sure you ask before you borrow your sisters favorite maxi dress!