Since, its November, most of the men must be gearing up to grow their beard for “No Shave November†This was initially started as a campaign to fight against cancer and then has become the trend among the youths and men. Here are the few reasons to consider about why you should grow your beard.
- Men with a beard share a common front
What better way to start a new life than to change your look? To the last recalcitrant, this month is the moment to never grow a beard. An awareness campaign addressed to men about cancer was launched in this month of November 2015. It is supported by the association No Shave November or “no shave in November”.
When cancer affects sick men, their hair is reduced and this is accompanied by hair loss. So, with No Shave November, men let everything grow and money saved on shaving and haircuts goes to the association.
- The UV beard
Sometimes the beard stings and become itchy, but still the best part is it protects your face from ultraviolet rays. The beard blocks up to 95% of UV rays. Your skin is thus preserved more than that of hairless faces. In addition, it limits the appearance of wrinkles on the face. And how could you forget the nice and clean look it proffers.
- No more ingrown hairs
Are you not sometimes irritated by shaving? The appearance of redness and pimples appear after shaving. Without this step, your skin breathes and you avoid any risk of ingrown hairs. Bacteria spread with the use of a razor. So you increase your chances of keeping your skin healthy and clean by wearing a beard so it is better to grow a beard and trim it at times. So here’s a Comparoid article to buy the best trimmer after you finish off the No shave November challenge.
- Women love beard
A study by Evolution & Human Behavior mentions the attractiveness of women for men with beards. It should have a beard of about ten days to appear in their eyes at the top of manhood. The beard would also have the effect of inspiring confidence and gives a new edge to your personality and career.
- A natural anti-pollution
The hairs hold dust and pollutants in the air. You breathe that, of course. First, these pollutants are retained by the beard, so much the better. To enjoy this protection, and help it stay silky, shampoo, brush, clean, nourish, hydrate your beard. This can be done with beard oil . With balm and wax, it is the essential tool for bearded people. Made from vegetable and essential oils, shaving oils are hydrating and eliminate dandruff.
- Under the beard, it’s good
Just as we appreciate the hair in winter, the bearded men can enjoy as it protects them from the cold. Keeping a beard promotes the creation of a thin protective layer. It reduces any risk of dry skin by wind, for example. The epidermis produces natural oils to moisturize the skin and this process is enhanced by the presence of a beard.
If some people see the beard as a way to look older, we are now witnessing a real fashion phenomenon. A trend embodied by the hipster movement whose beard is one of the emblems. Evidenced by the increase in the number of implants in recent years. So, for this November, try to grow your beard and experience the feeling of being bearded.