Everyone expects their body to change during pregnancy. Most of these transformations are well-documented so few women are surprised when their bodies begin to swell and alter in different ways. While soon-to-be-moms are ready for these modifications, only some are ready for what comes next.
Most people simply assume that their bodies are going to bounce back once their baby is born. For some mothers, this does happen, their figures are virtually indistinguishable from what they looked before they got pregnant. Not everyone is quite so lucky, however. Even months or years after their baby’s birth, moms may still be contending with their new shape. This can be difficult to deal with, especially if you are eating right and working out. If you are looking to undo some of the changes that have taken place, here are some tips to follow:
Wait for an Appropriate Amount of Time
Yes, waiting can be very difficult when you are staring down at a body that you don’t completely recognize. However, after giving birth, it is actually the best thing that you can do for yourself. This is because it can take a couple of months for your body to get back to normal. Until then, it is quite common to experience swollen legs and a distended stomach. Remember, your uterus is going to need at least a couple of weeks until it is back to its original size. Also, doctors typically don’t recommend that you start dieting or doing heavy exercise for a short while.
Focus on Your Core
People commonly mistake the term ‘core’ to mean just their stomach muscles. In addition to your stomach muscles, your core is also made up of your entire midsection as well as your back and your hips. As you can imagine, these body parts tend to be abused quite a bit during pregnancy. Therefore, they don’t immediately go back to their original position, particularly the stomach muscles. This is why when you do start to work out, see that you focus largely on your core. This will help the muscles regain their strength and hopefully help to regain your former shape.
Fix More Permanent Issues
The truth is that some parts of your body may be changed forever after your pregnancy. This is particularly common with skin that has been stretched out and doesn’t regain its elasticity. In certain instances, the muscles in your stomach may have separated and not sprung back into their original position as they should have. Then there is the issue of sagging breasts that no amount of exercise will help. For these conditions, you will probably need a Scottsdale mommy makeover. Due to the severity of the changes, they will not correct themselves and will require intervention from a surgeon. Once you get this procedure done, however, you will be able to see that your body looks a lot like it did before, especially if you have worked to lose all of that pregnancy weight.
These are a few of the ways that you can reshape your body. It will take time but you will be able to feel like the old you again.
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, seek help from an Advanced Fertility Clinic as soon as possible.