Most people automatically slip into a broad smile when they’re happy. Healthy teeth and gums are an extension of a happy smile. Since this typically sub-conscious, beautiful action gives you a positive and youthful appearance, smiling can make you seem more approachable, confident and professional than someone who has poor oral hygiene or smiles little.
A lot of people have smiles that they wish were different, but they fear drawing attention to themselves at home, school or work while trying to make improvements. If you’re in this group, consider these simple low-key solutions:
Invest In A Teeth Whitening Product
Whether you choose a home toothpaste or tray product or in-office treatments, you can’t go wrong with whiter teeth. Since children, young adults and celebrities typically have white teeth, people often subconsciously associate white teeth with youth and excellent oral health. Some people might even think that you’re wealthier because you have white teeth. On the other hand, people associate yellowed, stained, cracked, broken, crooked and missing teeth with old age, poverty and poor general hygiene habits.
Smile While Talking On The Phone
Many people have difficulty smiling because of past dental or oral health problems. They spent years smiling little or with lips closed. One of the best ways to learn to smile more naturally is to actively try to smile not only during face-to-face interactions with others but also when talking on the phone. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about judgement from others. Additionally, over time, the practice becomes a positive habit that can make you smile automatically more often in other situations. Smiling while talking on the phone can also make you sound happier, lighthearted and youthful.
Talk To A Dental Professional About Braces
You don’t need to wear clunky headgear or tons of rubber bands to straighten your teeth with braces. Several options do the job well without a lot of intrusion. A certified dental specialist from a trusted dental practice like Night and Day Dental can discuss with you available options based on your specific realignment needs. They can also discuss other low-key ways for you to improve your smile.
By following these three simple steps, you can see a dramatic improvement with your smile in no time at all. And the best part is that others will notice the difference and be more likely to react to your smile and you in positive ways.