Essential Oils are a hot-topic right now. I would like to start this blog post by stating that I am not a health-care professional. I wanted to be able to share my experience using Eden’s Garden Essential Oils. Please consult your healthcare provider before using essential oils. Do not consume or ingest essential oils.
Around two years ago, I wanted to control my own health. I was disturbed by how many anti-biotics were consumed by my family and for various reasons, my then boyfriend, now husband, would not consume Tylenol. Every-so-often he would get a headache and he would just sit and suffer. I started researching natural remedies to help him. I saw that peppermint essential oil may help, but I did not have the wallet for DoTerra or YoungLiving. Â I saw that Eden’s Garden was extremely cheap and the reviews were excellent on Amazon.
This past winter was the least flu/cold/headache/sore-throat ridden season I have ever experienced. I went through A whole bottle of Peppermint and Lavender. I have noticed no differences between DoTerra and YoungLiving Peppermint and Lavender. I would recommend this product to anyone who had four dollars and is sick of getting sick every winter! As a teacher, I would not have been able to go to school almost every day in winter. My husband no longer suffers from headaches. I have also used the Lavender while camping to keep away mosquito and ticks. It reduced my itching, as well.
This was my recent purchase from Eden’s Garden.
Eden’s Garden promises that they do not use any fillers in their products and that they are pure. You can read their statement and whats in their products at or shop Eden’s Garden on