I’m all about fashion. I love reading about what’s hot or not. But I’m also a rebel. Why should Lucky determine what I wear? Why can’t I? (You can tell I’m feisty can’t ya??)Â
You see, I don’t like looking like everyone else. I’ll wear white jeans when everyone else is wearing blue and I’ll wear orange when everyone is wearing yellow. Get the point?? 😀
The thing is, if everyone starts to listen to what Lucky or Elle (as much as we love them!) tells us to wear then how are we going to be unique?
Precisely. The world would be a boring place without Lady Gaga’s crazy outfits and Adam Lambert’s eye makeup. (Love them!!) And they inspired me to be different.
Why die a copy when you where born a original? So go ahead! Wear those animal print heels or those crazy nails! Make your own fashion trends and don’t be a copy!
While it’s good to dress in style just remember to make trends your own and don’t be afraid to be different! Who cares what people think of you! If you let fashion control you then you’ll always be it’s prisoner.
That is totally correct! My friends make fun of me when I wear crazy colors like orange, yellow and neon green. I don’t know about them but I like to wear them. It gives me confidence when people look at me especially those who looks astonished with my outfits. Sounds too bold huh? Thanks!
No it doesn’t Angel! If you love your style then ROCK IT! 🙂 I’ve been known to sport multi-colored extensions, goth eye makeup, weird clothing, crazy shoes and tons of other things. And you know what? I loved the confidence that it gave me! I’ve toned down my style quite a bit in recent years, but who said that yellow, orange, and neon green were crazy??? I happen to rock orange all the time! 🙂 Rock on chica!