Dear Diet,
My life used to be ruled by the numbers on a scale. If the numbers didn’t say 100LB I freaked out. However, my body is never going to be 100LB. It’s always going to be 125Lb or up. I figured that out the hard way. I starved myself to 600 calories a day and it was a horrible time in my life.
I’m sick of you. And I’m done. I’m tall and I’m also thin. But it’s taken me a long time to realize that. 125LB’s is the perfect weight for my 5’7 frame and I’m not going to try to change that.
I’ve come to accept that it’s just not going to work between us diet. I’m tired of you. I’m tired of feeling like I have to diet, diet, diet. I’m accepting my body. And I realize that I am never ever going to be 36″-20″-30″. It’s just not going to happen.
I only get one chance to live and I’m not going to waste it worrying about how I look. It’s not worth it. I’m going to accept ME for who I am. I can ditch you out the window because all I need to do is eat right and exercise.
I’m sorry that I keep cheating on you. But I’m missing out on all the good things like chocolate, popcorn, and cookies. It’s not going to kill me to eat junk food every once in awhile. And I’m afraid I love them more then you.
So goodbye. It’s not you, you can go plauge someone else. Me? I’m done. I might not be a Barbie doll or have Kim K’s chest, but I’m accepting ME just the way I am whether or not I have a 20″ waist. (which just isn’t possible!)
All right!!!!!! You go girl!!!!
Aww, thanks! 🙂 🙂