And the winner is……
Melody J!
Comment #84 chosen by! Thanks to all who entered and to Havaianas for sponsoring this awesome giveaway!
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me……
Any pair of shoes from Havaianas fall collection! Havaianas just launched a new fall/winter collection and we think that their comfy shoes are perfect for the holidays. And the sweet part? They want to give one of you lucky gal’s YOUR choice of any of their shoes from their new collection!
So, do you want to win a pair of shoes from Havaianas??
Leave a comment on this post and tell us what you love from Havaianas!
Extra Optional Entries: (Leave 1 comment for each extra entry.)
1 Entry: Follow @fashionablegal on Twitter
1 Entry: Follow @Havaianas on Twitter
1 Entry: (per day) Tweet about this contest. Leave 1 comment for each tweet with the link to tweet. (copy & paste the following:)
I just entered to win a pair of shoes from @Havaianas from @fashionablegal #GIVEAWAYÂ #shoes
1 Entry: Become a fan of Havaianas on Facebook
1 Entry: Become a fan of The Fashionable Gal on Facebook
1 Entry: Become a fan of The Fashionable Housewife on Facebook
1 Entry: Become a fan of The Fashionable Bambino on Facebook
1 Entry: Become a fan of The Fashionable Plate on Facebook
1 Entry: Subscribe To The Fashionable Gal RSS Feed
5 Entries: Enter one of our other Giveaways
(5 entries per additional giveaway entered.)
5 Entries: Share a link to this giveaway on your Facebook wall. (Leave comment with link back to your Facebook profile. Must have more than 50 friends!)
10 Entries: Post about this contest on your own Blog and link back to this post. Leave me a link to your blog post.
Note: You must leave 1 comment per entry. Extra entries will NOT be counted unless you leave a NEW comment for each one (not a reply).
I like the URBIS ECO SNEAKER in Dark Brown
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am a fan of The Fashionable Gal on Facebook
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am a fan of The Fashionable Housewife on Facebook
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I Subscribe To The Fashionable Gal RSS Feed
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I love their “URBIS ECO SNEAKER!”
Thanks, Cindi
I follow @fashionablegal on Twitter…
Again, many thanks!
I follow @Havaianas on Twitter…
Merci, Cindi
Thanks, Cindi
I am a Facebook fan of Havaianas.
Thanks, Cindi
Cindi Hoppes
I am a Facebook fan of The Fashionable Gal.
Many thanks, Cindi
I am a fan of The Fashionable Housewife on Facebook…
Many thanks to you!
I follow @fashionablegal on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
I am a fan of The Fashionable Bambino on Facebook.
Thanks much!
I follow @Havaianas on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
I am a fan of The Fashionable Plate on Facebook…
Thanks bunches, Cindi
I’m a fan of Havaianas on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
I subscribe to your RSS feed via my
Google Reader Page!
Merci, Cindi
I’m a fan of The Fashionable Gal on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
I’m a fan of The Fashionable Housewife on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
“Facebook Post!”…
Merci bien…
I’m a fan of The Fashionable Bambino on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
“Facebook Post!”…
Merci bien…
“Facebook Post!”…
Merci bien…
I’m a fan of The Fashionable Plate on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
“Facebook Post!”…
Merci bien…
“Facebook Post!”…
Merci bien…
I subscribe To The Fashionable Gal RSS Feed.
I entered the Mimi’s The Look giveaway.
I entered the Mimi’s The Look giveaway.
I entered the Mimi’s The Look giveaway.
I entered the Mimi’s The Look giveaway.
I entered the Mimi’s The Look giveaway.
I really like the ORIGINE BOOT grey/pink!
sswpss at yahoo dot com
1. I entered the Mimi’s The Look $50 Gift Card giveaway
sswpss at yahoo dot com
2. I entered the Mimi’s The Look $50 Gift Card giveaway
sswpss at yahoo dot com
3. I entered the Mimi’s The Look $50 Gift Card giveaway
sswpss at yahoo dot com
4. I entered the Mimi’s The Look $50 Gift Card giveaway
sswpss at yahoo dot com
5. I entered the Mimi’s The Look $50 Gift Card giveaway
sswpss at yahoo dot com
Lovin’ the ORIGINE ESPADRILLE WOVEN in Sand Grey/Purple/Pink.
I follow Fashionable Gal on FB.
I follow Havaianas on FB.
I have entered your Lingerie Please giveaway.
I have entered you ShopBop giveaway.
I follow Fashionable Housewife on FB.
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I just tweeted about this giveaway.!/dgdfriedmann
I love the Urbis Eco Sneaker in Beige!
Follow Fashionable Gal on Twitter–@AprilCrisafulli
Follow Havaianas on Twitter–@AprilCrisafulli