I’m sure that you all have heard of JustFab right? Well, Kimora Lee Simmons is launching a affordable jewelry collection! Is that cool or what??? Considering how incredible Kimora’s shoes are, I’m totally digging the jewelry! ๐ It’s perfect for the holidays and looks oh-so chic!
Let me just say that I don’t buy, nor can I afford expensive jewelry. SO, it was a nice refreshing change to see fashionable, functional, and affordable jewelry. I’m totally in love with the entire collection. It rocks!
I was sent a necklace and bracelet to try out, and I am very happy with them. Both pieces are perfect for fall and look great with all my outfits.
First off, let me just say that this jewelry is VERY well made. For something SO affordable, it is so well made. I was shocked at how well made the products are.
I’m in love with JustFab. Maybe in the future, I’ll try some of their shoes, but for now I can safely say that the jewelry is AMAZING! You won’t regret buying it!
Be sure to check out JustFab’s products on the web at justfab.com
Love that second piece! I am not too crazy about the peacock one though. I have only ordered Gleam Machine from JustFab myself, but it is a pretty nice piece for the price.