I spend quite a bit of time outside exercising. And because of that sunburned. (UGH!) Sunburns are SO unattractive and are definitely NOT cute. So what’s a girl to do? Use chemical laced sunscreen? No thanks! I don’t want cancer thank you very much. Instead I turned to two well known sunscreen brands. Smart Girls Who Surf and Lavanila.
Smart Girls Who Surf SPF30+ Mineral Sunscreen-
This sunscreen totally rocks! I mean honestly! It smells good and better yet it works! I’ve been using it whenever I go outside and it blends in oh so nicely and better yet I haven’t gotten a SINGLE sunburn! (Oh, yeah!) 😀
Smart Girls Who Surf SPF30+ Facestick-
This product is great for when you want to put some sunscreen on your face quickly and easily. This product works really well and is great for when you are in a rush!
Smart Girls Who Surf SPF15+ Lip Balm-
I had my lips sun burned awhile back (ouch!) and since then I’ve tried to use SPF15+ lip balm. And this product is great for protecting your lips! The cherry scent is awesome too! 🙂
The Healthy Lip Screen SPF30+ by Lavanila-
This product is beyond awesome! First of all it smells and tastes wonderful! It’s almost like a minty/vanilaish flavor. The lip screen does a great job of making sure that your lips aren’t sun burned.
I’m totally in love with all four of these products and recommend that you pick them all up!
I have sensitive skin so I’m always looking for natural sunscreens that will allow me to get a little color. How is the SPF on this? Does it protect and also allow you to tan?