I’ve been looking for a good pair of sunglasses for awhile know so when DG Eyewear offered to send me a pair I was excited!
I chose these sunglasses to review.
My thoughts:
These sunglasses are really nice! Unlike other sunglasses that I have tried they are very high quality. And aren’t cheaply made at all. They are really nice. And super comfy to wear! I love them! Plus they do a good job of keeping the sun out of your eyes.
I was really impressed with my sunglasses from DG Eyewear and will be wearing them alot this summer! They are perfect.
DG Eyewear are really fast shippers and have great customer service. I highly recommend them! With a ton of styles of sunglasses to choose from you are sure to find something you love from them!
Visit them on the web at- dgeyewear.com
The product for this review was provided to us free of charge for the purpose of product testing. This does not effect our opinion of the products in any way. We only write about products we personally like and use, regardless of how they were acquired.
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