When I first saw this bag I fell in love. I’m a handbag collector and I own more handbags then my sisters combined. And almost as much handbags as my mom! (and she has ALOT of bags) So, when I saw the Mark Big Impact Bag I knew I just had to have it!
The Mark Big Impact bag is a rather large chocolate brown faux leather handbag that holds up to a 15″ laptop, your school books, pencil case, notebooks, and small clutch. On one side is a zippered pocket and on the other side are two medium sized pockets. And in the middle of the bag is a big pocket that zips shut. The inside of the bag is made from cloth and it is also chocolate brown. The Mark Big Impact bag zips shut. This bag seems very durable and holds alot. Which I LOVE! I want my bags to hold all my stuff, be stylish, yet be comfortable and the Mark Big Impact bag fits the bill!
The only con I found about this bag is that I wish the handle was just a wee bit longer so it would rest on my shoulder. It rests on my shoulder but it’s a little tight.
In my opinion I highly recommend the Mark Big Impact bag as a stylish yet functional addition to any gals wardrobe!
You can buy the Mark Big Impact Bag for $30.00 here.
I was sent by Mark their Big Impact Bag to review. I was not compensated in any other way.