I am a huge water drinker. I buy Poland Springs in 3L jugs, and quite often polish them off one per day. I’m not a big fan of diet soda, and don’t see the point of wasting calories on juice when I’d rather eat a piece of fresh fruit! Unfortunately, an all-water beverage plan can get pretty boring…
Lipton has totally saved me from my liquid-based boredom, thanks to their selection of delicious, healthy teas! Recent commercials have been hyping the health benefits of tea, but in case you’ve missed it, here are some of those benefits:
~It contains Antioxidants, which help the body protect itself from free radicals.
~Tea has less caffeine than coffee. Lipton also has decaffeinated teas, which are great for later in the day.
~It may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, by keeping your arteries smooth and clog free.
~It protects your bones, due to its content of beneficial phytochemicals.
~Tea contains fluoride and tannins that may help keep plaque at bay.
~It boosts your Immune System.
~It may help prevent cancer, due to its content of polyphenols.
~It increases your metabolism, which can help you burn calories and lose weight.
Green, Black, and White tea provide the most health benefits – you can learn more about the benefits of different Lipton teas using their Healthy Beverage Guide. It’s packed full of useful and interesting information; for example: did you know that Americans consume 20% of their daily calories through beverages? What a waste! I’d rather have dessert at night than several soft drinks during the day.
Tea is so easily introduced into your diet, and the benefits are seemingly endless. You can use Lipton’s “Tea Explorer” to find the right brew for you. I was sent a variety of teas and have enjoyed all of the types of tried thus far! I’ve tried them hot, iced, and added a handful of bags to my big water jugs then sipped at room temperature throughout the day… No matter what way I’ve had my tea, it’s been a big improvement over plain old water all the time.
One of the highlights of my Lipton experience is the White Tea with Blueberry & Pomegranate. It’s a favorite at night when I’m trying to wind down- and it compliments a bit of dark chocolate perfectly! It’s ingredients include: White tea, green tea, dried apples, rosehip peel, chicory root, cinnamon bark, licorice root, ginger root, orange peel, dried blackberry fruit pieces, dried black currant fruit pieces, pomegranate juice solids, dried blueberry fruit pieces, dried raspberry fruit pieces. Yum!
Another favorite is the Lipton To Go selection, the Pink Lemonade in particular. These are perfect for mixing into your water bottle before leaving the house and are sweet enough to help curb cravings in the afternoon. There are 11 flavors to choose from; I’ve got my eye on the Iced Tea with Peach to try next!
To stay updated on all things Lipton, I recommend following them on Twitter and checking out the official Lipton Facebook Page!
So glad that you enjoyed the teas we sent over to you. I’m a sucker for the Pink Lemonade tea to-go mix too.
Informative post. There’s so many healthful benefits from drinking this Lipton Tea, and it’s nice to know that it also contains antioxidants, fluoride, and polyphenols which helps prevent cancer. You can also try Tava Tea.