As much as I love a fabulous lip gloss or sparkly new eye shadow… I probably love getting flowers more! Lilies are a personal favorite, so of course, I’m totally enamored with this amazing bouquet from Teleflora!
Online flower delivery services are a total LIFESAVER! Countless times over the past few years, I’ve turned to Teleflora and similar sites to rescue me last minute at birthdays- and to cheer up friends and family during times when everything isn’t quite coming up roses.
The Pink Hope Bouquet (pictured above) is Teleflora’s way of giving back. It includes a stunning array of Pink Lilies, White Daisies, Pink Spray Roses, and Queen Anne’s Lace, all encapsulated in a fabulous pink ceramic vase with a pink satin finish. The “standard” bouquet (how can anything this gorgeous be called “standard” ???) retails for $49.95, although you can upgrade it to Deluxe or Premium (and add balloons, stuffed animals, or chocolates) depending on how much of a pick-me-up your receiver requires!
As if the smiles this bouquet will provide aren’t enough- Teleflora will donate 15% of the profits from each Pink Hope Bouquet sold to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Every $50 raised will fund a full hour of research, which is about every seven bouquets. How wonderful!
And there’s more… The wonderfully generous people at Teleflora have donated a Standard Pink Hope Bouquet to Fashionable Gals for a Cure! I do want to mention also that Teleflora was one of the first companies to join in, and their support rocks! Thanks so much, Teleflora! Look for Prize #8, where the bouquet is accompanied by a Beautyfix Kit, Antica Farmacista Home Fragrance, and Dial Body Wash!
PS- Don’t forget to check out Teleflora’s Halloween, Thanksgiving and Fall Floral Selections to brighten up this dreary season! I’m partial to the Somethin’ Pumpkin arrangement!
That was a really good post… thanks a lot for sharing…