Alright ladies, you spoke and we listened! We heard that you didn’t want to donate to Susan G. Komen because the organization is not cruelty free, and that you’d like to be able to donate directly through PayPal. And in previous contests, we’ve had trouble with the spam filter and you’ve been worried that your entries aren’t being received (they were, I promise- but I don’t want any confusion when money’s involved)!
UPDATES to the Fashionable Gals for a Cure Fundraiser!
~Donations will now go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation OR Susan G. Komen, depending on your preference! If you’d prefer to donate to BCRF, you can donate as described below (but if you prefer Komen, please stick with the original email method and ignore the next two steps : D ).
~You are able to donate directly via PayPal if you’re donating to BCRF, which I know is a lot easier. You can use the button below, or check out the original Fundraiser post here. Specify your prize using the following method:
~Rather than commenting or emailing me, you can put your desired prize number right in the PayPal comment box while you’re making your donation! (If the comment box doesn’t display for you, click “add special instructions to seller” on the donation page!)
Easy, right? And just so you know… Since this little hiccup in the fundraiser design hasn’t encouraged entries to come pouring in, your odds are great! So please, please, think about it- $1 is a drop in the bucket for most of us, but every $50 we collect will fund a full hour of Cancer Research! How amazing is that? And since I made sure that every prize pack was worth around $150, consider that $1 a very charitable investment towards your future fashion wardrobe : )
As October is Breast Cancer Month, I commend to you a book review written by my wife Janice and myself . The article is about a promising new writer Sandra Crawford* whose book ‘In the Arms of the Beloved: a journey through Breast Cancer’ has just come out.
Blessings, Ed Hird+