We all know by now that drinking water has great benefits- it improves our health, and of course, boosts our beauty. However, after reading this article from The New York Times about how chemicals like atrazine (a weed killer!) are commonly found in drinking water… I’m a little hesitant to drink it down!
“Officials at the Environmental Protection Agency say Americans are not exposed to unsafe levels of atrazine. They say that current regulations are adequate to protect human health, and that the doses of atrazine coming through people’s taps are safe — even when concentrations jump.
But some scientists and health advocates disagree. They argue that the recent studies offer enough concerns that the government should begin re-examining its regulations. They also say that local water systems — which have primary responsibility for the safety of drinking water — should be forced to monitor atrazine more frequently, in order to detect short-term increases and warn people when they occur.
The E.P.A. has not cautioned pregnant women about the potential risks of atrazine so that they can consider using inexpensive home filtration systems. And though the agency is aware of new research suggesting risks, it will not formally review those studies until next year at the earliest. Federal scientists who have worked on atrazine say the agency has largely shifted its focus to other compounds.”
~The New York Times
I actually don’t drink tap water very often, because the “enhancements” that many towns add to their water supply makes me sick. Also, I often find that water that hasn’t been enhanced has a strange taste because of the natural “ingredients” such as minerals, etc. Because of this, I drink a TON of bottled water- it’s pretty much all I drink! Unfortunately, the copious amounts of bottled water I go through every week involves spending a chunk of money- and it’s not great for the Earth.
In order to save money and be more eco-friendly, I’ve been looking for alternatives to bottles water. Zuvo Water is one company that offers a great range of products that fit these needs! Zuvo Water has a range of filtration systems that will work to remove chemicals like arazine from your water, plus improve the taste- which means you’ve got no excuses not to get your daily dose of H2O!
Bottled water is not safe as well – the amount of fluoride which is poisonous is too much in some “bottles”. Also have you thought about the materials they made the bottles from – all this goes into the water too 🙁