I totally want it all! These items are selling out fast, so don’t wait to shop! The boutique’s only open for another day!  And the usual reminder…
RueLaLa is an exclusive, invitation-only online destination connecting consumers to that which only fashion insiders used to be privy to. The site features up to two new private sale boutiques a day, each open for just a brief window of time. Boutiques offer members access to current season merchandise from a mix of fashion and lifestyle brands that range from super premium labels to more mainstream must-haves at discounts of 30% to 80% below retail.
RueLaLa is accessible through membership only. Membership is free but available through invitation-only. To join through The Fashionable Gal, follow these steps:
- 1. Go to www.ruelala.com
- 2. Select “A member invited meâ€
- 3. Enter this email address as your key to get in: laney@thefashionablegal.com
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