Shopping on the internet is often a great way to save money-until you get slammed with delivery fees! In order to keep the savings going, I try to always remember to search for promotional codes that aren’t readily advertised. Here are some great sites to check out before you hit the “order” button!
1. Coupon Cabin Updated three times daily, the coupons on Coupon Cabin aren’t likely to be expired when you to go to check out. The site also includes tabs for “Most Used Coupons” and “Favorite Deals” so you can check out what everyone else is loving!
2. Coupon Mom This site is very simply organized, so you don’t have to spend hours hunting for good deals. You can also sign up for email alerts when your favorite retailers are having sales!
3. Retail Me Not One of my favorites! Retail Me Not always has a list of great Sephora deals. One neat feature of the site is that users can rate their success rate with the code, and so you’ll know when it no longer works! I hate checking out only to find that my newfound code is no longer working.
4. Smart Source The site merges lots of printable coupons with a stash of online deals. Your coupons can become even more customized when you enter your zip code. Deals just for you!
5. FreeShipping.Org or FreeShippingOn.Com Both sites are ones I’ve used and found reliable. Since shipping fees are one of the things that sometimes make online shopping not quite such a bargain, getting the charge waived will make it very worth your while!
So, what are your favorite sites to save? What else should be on the list?
My mom just told me about Coupon Cabin like 2 days ago! Had never heard of it before. I usually use retailmenot, but am sometimes disapointed when the coupon codes don’t work. 🙁