October really seems to be a month of causes… Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence, Autism… Now, it’s World Animal Week! If you don’t see the connection between cosmetics and animals, we need to have a little talk. Or, really, you just need to think about two words: product testing.
As much as I love pampering myself, I don’t want to do it at the expense of another species! Dogs and cats get the most attention, but I feel that even mice should be spared the “makeover experience.” Because of this, I really try to make sure I know the products I’m using aren’t tested on animals. I will admit that I forget sometimes, but it’s really something I try to be conscious of!
Why do I bring this up? No, I’m not asking for money. Instead, I just wanted to suggest that you play a little follow-the-link and read the Body Shop’s blog entry about their animal welfare initiative. If you want to skip the reading and get right to the helping, head on over to MakeYourselfBeautiful.org and sign the universal declaration on animal welfare. Just a few clicks of your mouse can make a difference!
And on a side note… OMG THAT PUPPY IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!
Thanks babe!
And I want both of those dogs so badly! I miss all my “babies.”