Both my mom and my best friend tell me about Hungry Girl all the time! It’s a great site that features tips on eating right, as well as recipes for delicious snacks that satisfy cravings for lots of calories! My mom sent me this article full of Halloween tips, and now I’m passing it on to you! Don’t forget to check out Hungry Girl for other tips and tricks for every other day of the year!
1. The best thing you can do (BY FAR) for Halloween is to ONLY have candy around that doesn’t tempt you. Dislike chocolate mint? Buy Peppermint Patties. Like candy corn? Buy lollies. Be strategic, folks!
2. Stock up on decadent snacks that are diet-friendly. This way you’ll have something on-hand for when the inevitable cravings strike. We’re stocking up on Jell-O Sugar Free Pudding Snacks and the new cake-flavored Yoplait Light yogurts (click here for a cute video on those!).
3. Don’t sit by the bowl! You KNOW that if you do, your hand will be in the candy bowl all night long! Keep it right by the door, and resist the urge to grab a piece for yourself every time the kiddies come by.
4. Once it starts to get later in the evening and the stream of children has slowed to a trickle, give out more candy per kid. They’ll be stoked and you won’t have sweet temptation staring you down.
5. Once the kids are all done for the night, for goodness sake, PUT THE CANDY AWAY! Don’t let it hang out on the kitchen counter all weekend because, if you’re like us, seeing it makes you want it more. Don’t put it with your regular snack food either. In fact, we recommend bringing the leftovers to work and setting them out in a bowl. Just don’t leave that bowl at YOUR desk!
Keep reading for Hungry Girl’s Halloween snack suggestions!
Recommended by Hungry Girl…
Here’s what we suggest handing out. They’re popular and aren’t TOO frightening in the calorie and fat departments:
Twizzlers, individually wrapped – 40 calories, 0.25g fat
Individually wrapped vines are KEY here, peeps!
Caramel Apple Pops – 60 calories, 0.5g fat
These are INCREDIBLE. ‘Nuf said.
Smarties – 25 calories, 0g fat (per roll)
It’s hard to overdo it with Smarties, even if you LOVE ’em.
Dum Dum Pops – 25 calories, 0g fat
These are tiny, yet they last a long time and are super-low in calories. YES!
Mini AirHeads – 45 calories, 0.5g fat
So low in fat, chewy, sweet and satisfying!
Blow Pops – 60 calories, 0g fat
It’s a lollipop. It’s bubblegum. Fun, fun, fun!
And while we DO NOT recommend keeping bulk amounts of chocolate in the house, if you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY insist on giving it out, here’s what we recommend:
Milky Way Minis – 38 calories, 1.4g fat (per Mini, NOT Fun Size!)
Light. Low-fat. Love ’em.
3 Musketeers Minis – 24 calories, 0.7g fat (again, per MINI!)
No, you can’t have THREE of ’em for those stats…
Tootsie Roll Midgees – 23 calories, 0.5g fat
Chewy chocolate in bite-sized chunks? Fantastic!
I LOVE those caramel apple pops. I haven’t had one in forever, though! Good tips, even though I nevvver get trick or treaters 😀