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Each morning at around 9am EST, an email with the latest posts goes out to The Fashionable Gal subscribers. The daily emails are the perfect way to start your day. We keep things fresh and interesting, getting you up to speed with the latest trends in makeup and fashion as well as beauty news, giveaways, contests, product reviews, photo posts, tutorials, tips and so much more!
which blog do you think is best for a single thirtysomething?
Hey Courtney! I’m 19 and I read the Fashionable Housewife Daily… Honestly–not trying to promote myself here!–I’d read both! In addition to TFH, I read fifty or so beauty blogs a day. Most people probably don’t have that much time, but the great thing about TFH and TFG is that they’re connected! So, you can read one, and then immediately link to the other! Both offer different things, so the combination should keep you totally up to date!