I’m totally thrilled about this new feature on Sephora! I (obviously) like reviewing products, but I also love reading reviews! In my mind, there’s no better way to decide than to splurge on a product that by checking out what other customers had to say!
AND, the best part? With every review you write, you’ll be entered into a chance to win a $500 Sephora Gift Card! Oh baby… So, what are you waiting for?!? Get to Sephora.com and start reviewing!
So glad to see Laney’s excellent writing again and in such a visible place!! Laney is extremely talented and deserves to be seen and appreciated!!
Hey you!!! I’m sorry I suck and haven’t emailed you lately… You can’t imagine how tired I’ve been! I haven’t forgotten, though!!!
no worries, dear girl!!! i’ll keep up with you via your blogs!!! xoxoxox
Yeah, Sephora is a very good brand. I don’t have idea about gift cards, by your advice i definitely review the sephora products. Thank you