I’m not kidding. City Chic (The Modern Girl’s Guide to Living Large on Less) is second only to the sound of my own voice… and in it’s defense, most things are. Nina Willdorf (the other, durrr) is my new hero. She managed to cram this book with 272 pages of things EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. Actually, it’s a really interesting combination of information: things I already knew but forgot, things people told me when I wasn’t listening, things I had no idea about, and things I never would have found out about. Every page is packed with these sort of tidbits, and I actually was so enthralled that I read the whole book in a sitting. Without interrupting to hear my own melodious tones. Really.
The table of contents (or, as Willdorf calls it, The Modern Girl’s Cheat Sheet) is all you need to look at before falling in love. Seriously… Here’s a quick look:
Section 1: Home (includes) Chp. 1 Lighten Up, Ch. 2 Furnish For Less, Chp. 3 Free Finds You Can Pick Up On the Street, Chp. 4 Final Touches with Flowers and Plants.
Section 2: Body (includes) Chp. 5 Toning Down Your Fitness Budget, Chp.6 Snip Your Hair Care Budget, Chp.7 Makeup Myths.
Section 3: Eat & Drink (includes) Chp.8 Drink Your Way Into a Savings Stupor, Chp.9 Price-Saving Pantries, Chp.10 The Only Five Spices You Really Need, Chp.11 Entertaining for Less.
Section 4: Wear (includes) Chp.12 the Modern Girl’s Look, Chp.13 Weeding in Your Closet, Chp.14 Behind the Seams, Chp.15 Shop ‘n Save Chp. 16 Style Staples, Chp. 17 Satisfy Without Spending.
I swear, there’s not a throwaway chapter in the whole book. Willdorf doesn’t waste space with tips that don’t rock, and she ends each chapter with a list of websites that will help further your knowledge on the topic she’s just discussed! If you aren’t sold already, here are a few of my favorite tips…
Page 9: “The color blue is an appetite suppressant. Do you really want that in your kitchen?”
(No, but I’m going to keep buying blue sheets/comforters so I can curb my desire to eat in bed!)
Page 26: “One more reason to hold on to your student ID long after you’ve dropped the freshman fifteen: Stores like Pier 1 give discounts to students at the beginning of each semester in September. Even if you move away from your college town, I’ve found they rarely ask whether you’re a current student. Don’t ask, don’t tell?”
Page 32: “Maps: Show off your worldy side be scouring thrift stores for big worn maps of a destination you’ve never been to. Then, splurge on framing and you’ll be an instant international icon-within your circle of friends.”
Page 70: “Traveling and hoping to find the local pool? Log on to swimmersguide.com. It lists almost 20.000 pools in over 150 countries.”
Okay, so seriously, go pick up your copy. However, BE CAREFUL! City Chic was originally published in 2003, but a revised copy just came out. Pick up the NEW version from Barnes & Noble here for only $11.99. If you don’t want to wait, there might be a copy at your local bookstore-just call before heading over so you don’t waste gas!
I think I’m going to have to buy this. Stat!